Tuesday, January 21, 2025

And my good intentions of Blogger better again has fallen by the way side!

These photographs I took in Ludlow last weekend..

Very pretty town, can't see it much here but the sun was shining.. 

Feeling like a tourists snapping away on my phone, now of Christmas it's so easy to delete people from the photographs I mean, of course!

It's the first time I've been here... But I'm sure my mom had visited..

Sounded so familiar... wonderful stores, luckily being a Sunday many were closed.. you're regular popular names on the high street, but also many independents, including antique and restoration stores, I wish the latter had been open, I would have walked in, and just breathed..

Especially if it smelt anything like my stepdad workshops...

These photographs above and below, same street taken from two sides..

There were many plaques on walls, explaining the history of previous occupations..

One made me stop sharp! It was an ancestor of a client of mine, when I was in healthcare! 

Felt very strange seeing his name there, like a circle completing.

Wished I'd been able to tell her..

I'm catching up now! 

I don't know what made me check back yesterday, I had walked into town via the arboretum here in Nottingham and couldn't see the sweet little dove I'd seen there previously.. So my journey into town was sad... I'd written about him here, and felt sad that he was alone there, lost his loving owner and probably a mate .. 

And now gone!! But, on the return walk past there he was!! I was so happy again!! Thankful he was there .. 


The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence.

Roy T. Bennett - 1939-2014 - Author

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