Wednesday, February 19, 2025


As I sit here in the departures lounge I feel a sense of strangeness ... My last journey to Spain in September, back from the states... A direct flight from New York... My last to Spain from England was back in August after our trip to Sheringham...

So flying to Málaga like this, is like returning to pre-life in Spain.

Back to 2001... Twenty four years ago.

It's just a visit, a holibobs visit... With a huge amount of wonderful lifelong friends there to see.. That is the difference, and a massive one.

Very mixed emotions, I miss everyone so much, but also worried how I'll feel when I see what I called my country, my home.

Thankful for being picked up by a good friend in the arrivals hall, a familiar face, and staying with the best friends a girl could ask for.

Yet, for some reason sat here feeling like tears are close.

East Midlands airport has changed a little, a reform, we came through the area that is designated normally for crew, and the new scanners etc will be ready by the summer.

Most of the stores are closed, probably a lot less flights coming through while they are doing this update, I came through at nearly one and were about ten people ahead of me only.

My bag went the other way too! Ha! So funny, all these years of travelling, especially for work, hardly ever did, in fact I can only recall once ever before.. no! Twice! Once leaving Bristol once Cardiff.. the later was a deodorant issue!! I think the other was an empty bottle in my bag! And now here, nothing needs taking out...and I was stopped for a bottle issue!  It seems the frizzease product was the issue and I said I can't not have that! He checked it! It was fine! Of course!

So, I need to preserve my battery, have my charger with me, good because the new seat charger isn't working!

See you from Spain next!


Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.

Roy T. Bennett - 1939-2014 - Author

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