Friday, November 30, 2007

above gardens in alhurín el grande...

another week gone... weather has been good this week, cooler but out in the sun very very lovely.

although i have carried my para aqua about with me all week, washing in still drying up on the terrace so cant be bad.

news of a new alhaurín el grande by pass is top topic this week, think i must pop up to the town hall and check out the plans.

just google map'ed the area, so many peoples lovely homes and land, although i am not certain exactly where the road is going except for the 404 bit, and its not even a case of the money compensation is it, if you have a blooming great road going past your window when you thought you lived well away from all the traffic... but...

but... the trouble is although there are many many people whose properties are going to be effected, and of course those of iligal build wont get any compensation at all, the but is that there are also thousands and thousands of new properties going up in coín and alhaurín, there is also plans on the horizon of that theme park over at de la torre, and the road infrastructure as it is now cannot take another 2 or 3 thousand more cars a day, can you imagine on our little 'B' roads that are now sliding away beneath our tires!

the road we really need to have sorted out is our road down to fuengirola isnt it? 'they' are supposed to start work soon and take 18 months to get that fixed up, put in a slow lane, or is that an overtaking lane i mean!

check out the alhaurí site there on the right to see all the news about the proposed by pass... of course... it may never happen anyway!

Anyone who loves
needs to know both how to lose himself
and how to find himself
By the river piedra i sat down and wept


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