Monday, December 03, 2007

cant believe it, friend is home from scotland and found one of their dogs is missing... paco, he went out and about with a few other dogs and hasnt come home, they are frantic, just as i would be if pippa went missing, i wouldnt sleep and would be out walking the streets calling her name!

hopefully someone has taken him in and is feeding and loving him, and one day they might take him to the vets and lo and behold find that he is chipped and belongs to f&a.

will put his photo on here when i get it.

saturday franco and i went down to fuengirola to get his second pair of glasses... sun glasses for driving etc, and we went to the dunnes at miramar parque, it was so busy there couldnt believe it, saw a couple of ladies from alhaurín there.

and yesterday we went down to calahonda to run some errands and on the way home franco drove us around the new urbanisations down behind nora golf down at la cala, we were lost in those there hills for about an hour... at one point coming back down to civilization at the junction under the toll road where the girl in tub fountain is... and thats in riviera! so now we know you can drive all the way to calahonda without touching the careterra 340 if needs must, an accident etc. we drove back up the way we had come and back out by the golf course, and home!

saturday evening we went to dinner with friends, a small dinner party... very posh eh! it was a lovely evening and when we got in the car to come home, franco was the designated driver this time! we found it was ten past one! hadnt noticed the time going at all! and then we didnt get up till so late sunday....

ok got photo.... let me up load on here... paco is on the left above... the longer haired dog, he is only young and about knee high, very friendly little fella...

all the christmas lights are up now in town so i must get some shots of them in the night, in the dark...

i have just got totally addicted to an on line crossword puzzle thing, its great! it was, it is, on facebook under human pets section and there i was doing a crossword with all the other people, great fun, took all my strength to leave it alone... ok that shows how weak i am!

True love allows each person
to follow his or her own path
aware that doing so can never drive them apart.


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