Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy Easter Friends... old and new, far and wide...

brrrrrrrrrh! just went up stairs to read on the terraza and its cold up there! skys are grey and storming looking and a bbbbreeze blowing in.... so i am back down, a quick blog and then to my book i think!

was warmer this morning although most people were saying the weather had changed again... remember last april here in spain? the wettest ever, and over in england, the hottest ever, till three days after i arrived beginning of may when the rain came, or maybe i brought it over with me!

i have just checked out the weather report.... rain for today it says and thursday and friday... hope friday evening is dry for everyone up here, not another year of semana santa ruined... our first easter here it rained on the friday evening... i know i have said this before, but we were all down at the purple church, all the people in the parade had made theyre way down, even the one hundred men carrying jesus with the cross... and the man who through the week had been jesus through the proceedings of herod and walking wretched through the streets... he was just being raised up on the cross he had literally walked through these streets with... well dragged it ... and it started to rain, big wet drops glistening like stars as peoples flashes went off on theyre cameras...

pippa is better now thank you! back to normal food and has been barking all day at all the action in the street... looks like we will have the light up on our house again this year, it was my vecina's but its moved now!

alhaurín is being freshly painted white and bright... a typical andalucian white village again.... from coín it looks all shiny and clean.... the chairs are out in the streets around here in the old town, all tied up to doors and windows, ready for their owners to sit and watch all the action later...

my youngest son has just announced he is having his birthday party this year in prague! great if your traveling from the uk, but its twice the distance and price from here!

little chap came in the shop this morning, his little yorkie terrier ran off this morning, from somewhere near the white church i think, little chico is wearing a blue collar and is only small...

Love does not ask many questions,
because with thinking comes fear.
This might be the fear of being scorned,
being rejected or breaking the spell.
However ridiculous this may seem, that is how it is.
This is why one does not ask, one acts.
By The River piedra
I Sad Down and Wept


Links and Comments


  1. Anonymous4:20 am

    I'm delighted Pippa is doing well again :-).

    And it sounds like big doings there.. I'll hope the rain clears off in time. "Andalucian white village" --that sounds so quaint!

    I like the quote, too. Have a very blessed Easter season, Marian, all of you, and a happy b-day to your youngest.


  2. Carol... thank you, and a very happy easter to you and yours also. and yes pippa is in fine fettle again now, voicing her opinion on everyone who passes by the house!

  3. Anonymous10:28 pm

    Marian, Happy Easter to you and Franco...and Pippa of course! Thank goodness she's better!!
