Wednesday, July 01, 2009

few last photos taken up at Ashridge last Saturday with Janette after our wonderful pavlova and scone, all that cream and strawberry's... oh i wish...

anyway! above a little wooden bridge... bridging the river running through just there... river? well its a muddy boggy place anyway! and looks pretty from this view of it!

this is the spooky looking house that lives in the forest... look to the left there where i wanted to walk to but couldn't some ones open case there with clothes spilling out all over the place, what a cheek being there!
some times i think how nice it would be to live in a cottage like this in these surroundings....

other times i think oh heck no! all those trees, who knows whose looking in and why???

and finally this photo perloined from the WWW! the view from the Buckingham Monument.. no actually this is higher surely... anyway from that end, looking all the way along the monument avenue through to the avenue leading to Ashridge House...

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