Friday, July 03, 2009

ok folks, please please help! what on earth is this creature? its a hard beetle, around the half inch in length, and as hard as... as anything, you cannot squish it easily! sorry ;-(

it runs fast in haste to escape the broom, which wont kill it anyway, only a solid hard surface!

and the worse bit, sorry there is worse! the small is chemical when it is squished! really bad smell that lingers, in fact its all you can smell when you go out the back door, is the chemical smell!

they are falling from somewhere above, there is a tree holding on to some black seed pods longer than normal this year, but no bugs actually under the tree in the car park above, so maybe not the tree, which only leaves the rock face that is immediately behind the house? they began about two to three weeks ago, and have been a plague, hundreds of them, now only a few at a time so maybe disappearing now, but where from and more to the point where to...

and now the shelf... moving away from all things beetle like i think now! it was wooden of course, and my step dad would, well i would say turning in his grave, but as he is in the University College Hospital in London maybe he has been scaring people by turning around in there! watch yer backs!

so i painted it green....
then i painted it white....

and now its shabby chic! i have been distressing the life out of it! used wrong paint and the glass is hopeless with the sand paper i have used.... but its ok, and i did it, is what important...

are just remember came across a quote for you today... not been doing them much so to say, this came in my World Gratitude that i have been following, for years now....

anyway just the quote...

Inside or outside yourself, you never have to change what you
see, only the way you see it.
Thaddeus Golas


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:39 pm

    it looks like a melopertonfortie beetle normally found in the sahara desert, these beetles breed profusley and can cause very serious damage to plant life, they leave a pungunt smell which is bearable, if you step on them the yellow discharge can be used as a aphrodisiac as used by the andupi indians i hope this helps
