Friday, October 16, 2015

Catch up One

As I said only had phone, and now I need to top-up, so haven't even been on Facebook for two days now... and you know, its okay... really it is!  Probably wouldn't be saying this if I didn't already know that by 9am tomorrow morning I will be down at Bar Rosa drinking cafĂ© sombre and bleeding their internet dry!

So, complaints are coming in fast and furious now reference no Blogging! Well, test messages and emails!! lol... and repeat hits that last for two seconds or lead to years back where people are catching up from years ago, obviously bored, but thank you very much ladies and gentlemen!

Today I have been working on book for Peter Maddocks, an adult drawing book, I nagged him to hell and back to get one drawn then started moving, and progress has been very much delayed although I think now, it just needs a check over and it will be getting proofed and ready to publish, paperback only, Kindle might be kind of pointless!!

I can't do this like this, I must go back to four weeks ago!!
So four weeks ago, we were in Cardiff for two night before leaving for home!  Pippa had left, and we were roaming Cardiff, too much roaming and far too tired and after all the trauma of packing and selling and organizing and mental stuff, should really have just stayed still for two days instead of walking and walking and more walking, stayed in a basic hotel, which had all we needed, was comfortable, quiet and clean! We only had a short bus trip to Cardiff airport, we off loaded a couple more things on the final day to lighten cases, although after repacking we had done really well with what we had been left to live with for the final four weeks!  A pair of my shoes hit the bins and a pair of Franco's jeans!

I must remember to fit photos from Cardiff in here... and hit the 'publish' tab at internals and not send this whole lot through!

Bar with cool sign ~ I had to play with this when I saw it, I think it's come out okay!  Love the old weather vein...

And these men in costume for Saturday nights street show...

We arrived late into Malaga airport, was met with rental car and home about 1am.... Our wonderful friend had not only got electric on and supplies in fridge for immediate need, ie water and milk, but she had made a wonderful plate of sandwiches and grapes!! x

Pippa had arrived earlier in the evening before us, driving down hill you see!! So we went to pick her up first thing on Friday morning!  Our little baby, she was so tired though, we don't think she slept at all for those three days, in fact she was so tired that evening that she wouldn't, or couldn't open her eyes when I tried to rouse her... I ended up shaking her, but she only blinked and went back to sleep, I panicked, after the journey and knowing she has a heart problem, I thought the worse... But, thankfully, the next day she was back to her old self!  I think she knows the house, and streets, and our neighbors.... now, she is standing on the balcon watching over her street once more, sniffing the air and keeping a beady eye on life passing below!  She is loving the new park only a few minutes walk away, its down by the 12 fountains and has sand and grass and plants and benches and a million places to sniff and pee!!!!  Its full of children at certain times of the day, having a big climbing frame, its a really lovely place to sit and watch the world go by... occasionally even scooters go by... very fast down the pathways and its "watch out dogs and small children!!!" and maybe a few more people should be using a few more doggy bags, but... well you know how it is!!

Photos of park


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