Friday, October 16, 2015

Fifth Post from catch up....

Might be headed fifth, but if your arriving here... it will be the first?  Too confusing, just glad I have deleted all the others and cannot undo what I have done, if this lot has come out - out of order, don't worry its not just you who is confused by it all! LOL

Good luck!

A friends door knocker... It translates.. "Here I stay".....

I had a list as long as my arm!  Okay, I am so sorry, been impossible to blog properly from my phone, its too small and impossible to load pictures... I know it is like I have left the planet and gone AWOL or is it MIA?? Both maybe!  We are getting the internet at home, and soon, phoned up Monday, and it was promised yesterday or today, its nearly 10pm now, so not expecting it today... Hoping for tomorrow though!  And also this is why I am actually on my lap top, doh!  Could have been pre Blogging for weeks couldn't I, and now its all going to come over mixed up and later coming before earlier...  I have only made a list on my phone and now transcribed here, so here goes!  Oh and if anyone is reading quicker than I can post these 'catch ups' from last to first... this will be confusing if you jump in early!



  1. No problem. My mind is usually jumping in several directions at the same time, so happy to jump from post to post. :D

  2. Lol feel like I am sat next to you while your reading :-) x
