Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Did I mention I've started on a new book? It's called 'I know You Will Find Me' by David Harris Wilson..

When I started reading it I couldn't believe the coincidence that the main character was in Coventry, and a fifteen minutes drive from where I am!! He named the area and street..

Then, not giving anything away.. oh well, I guess I would be.. There are much bigger coincidences! Absolutely crazy! It was published in January 2014.. and could have been written for today!

A really good book if you're looking for something right now!

By the by, I downloaded it some time ago.. like last year.. with no inkling of the times we're having now..

Feel like I have been here an eternity.. not this placement, but being here since March.. my right eye is better, nearly completely, just a bit of eyelid still swollen; but both are tired now.. I am going to have one long duvet week when I get home.. even if it's too warm for my duvet! I shall be like a bug in a cocoon.

I've bought random items over the last four months also, they're boxed up and going to be flying home before me next week!

Random song again for you.. Chris Isaak Wicked Game

Need to sauce a poem before I post don't I!


& then I met you,
& slowly
but all at once my
whole world began to
rm broderick

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