Sunday, June 28, 2020

I wish I could listen to myself occasionally.. but I guess, do any of us take our own advice? Or even not advice as such but just good thoughts?

Like last night, it was late I was shattered.. desperate for sleep and the land of dreams..

I fell asleep yes.. then bam! Maybe only twenty minutes later awake, a noise maybe or a sense of a noise.. I thought I'd go back to sleep and before I knew it.. it was well gone 1am.. and no sign of that dream land...

I began with my 'taking myself somewhere beautiful' in my mind, shifted to another place I also love.. then I was sorting stuff out in my house, moving stuff, boxing stuff and clearing stuff! All in my mind.. Should have written this down, just to get it out.. instead carried on thinking it! Which progressed to the Pipster and then an assortment of other worries I currently carry in my mind.

Talking this morning, helping I hoped, giving my thoughts and feelings and trying so much to help.. I wrote something I wish I could remember when I needed to.. need to..

I hope she doesn't mind me sharing, I have changed a few bits and missed out personal stuff..

"It's difficult to know what to do.. difficult for me to know what to say... I know if I were you I'd be doing the same..

He knows forever and eternity that you love him, that you gave your all from the very beginning.. it's our living that counts; all the years that have past us by when we didn't realize how very important they were..

Now is important of course, but he's thinking of yesteryear..

That's why he loves you, that's why you're connected..

Stop, go for a walk.. sit somewhere.. let peace enter your mind..

...whichever you decide to do, will feel wrong at some point, and whichever you decide to do will feel right also.

Because there is no wrong or right.. there is just trying to do the best we can.."


I hope you find that place one day. Where the chaos inside is understood and your heart feels at home.

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