Monday, January 30, 2023

And we have 0° .. crazy!! 

This morning again.. It's always very strange when I reach the last episode of Frasier, always feel a little bereft.. As I've already posted the Tennyson poem at least twice, my search in the top left-hand corner of the desktop version of this page, tells me.. 

Last time was September 2017, but I'm sure I've repeated myself again since then? Seems only last year?

I am prone to repeating, after twenty years Blogging, I give myself permission for that!

I usually play that last episode twice, but not today. I'm done with it! 

Just makes me sad..

And in searching for the poem I came across a different poem, from August 7 2009.. Felt strange reading that one, seeing so much change since then.

It's way too cold here, never honestly seen in this cold.. felt it this cold.. got the halogen fire on at the moment, and my hands and feet are like ice, it's 10° in here with the fire on! 


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