Tuesday, January 31, 2023

My sadness I carry deep inside me, it used to be on the surface, nearly every day, scratch that.. most days.

Now it's further down, which is good.. but life brings it up, the sadness surfaces like an air bubble escaping from under deep water

A movie, a song, more often just life

I wonder if a day will come when the sadness lays quietly it's head down and says.. she's done, let her be.

Or if forever it will lay only dormant, simply slumbering.. rolling in its sleep to remind me of its presence.

This has come to me this morning early, awake at five.. cuppa tea at half past, watching second movie before leaving my warm bed for the cold house.. 

Need to get my head in order.. 

I'll be fine once I'm up, always better after eating and a coffee..

Had a great day yesterday, it's going to be a good day today!

Need photograph for here.. bare with! 

I laugh to myself choosing a stormy view taken the other morning going to work.. that's the view above..

The next is from Mijas pueblo last week


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