Sunday, August 13, 2023

Two night terrors in past few weeks.. second one two nights ago.. woke up on my side feeling like I was being choked, I couldn't breathe.. 

I forgot all about this until this evening.. something made me remember..

I used to have so many of these night terrors back in the '90's and then just the odd one or two every few years.. 

Hope that's it now for a while.. hate waking up scared.. 

Spring onions! Top photo... I wish I could buy one at a time... They're so huge here!

Yesterday's lunch, beautiful figs, my favourite fruit, cherries and prickly pears!

Eating the last of the prickly pears.. they don't last long in the refrigerator..

Last night I set my alarm for 4:30am this morning... To wake up and go up on the terrace, try and catch a glimpse of a meteor or more... the Persiad meteor shower began around my birthday and last night was their peak... I lay down on a readied sunbed with cushions placed earlier.. 

They were really damp, almost wet.. so that wasn't great, I'd covered up in leggins and a black hoodie.. against being spotted apparently sunbathing in the dark!! 

Real reason so the mossies didn't get me! But the tiredness and damp did.

The night before I had become a midnight buffet for any passing mossie or biting bug! I didn't want to make that mistake again! 

Later on the terrace this morning as I quietly drank tea and enjoyed the peace and quiet and early coolness.. I heard the vacationing visitors next door rise from their beds.. could hear their morning discussions and cries.. of the kids.. Then they came up on the terrace, quietly and whispering.. 

Seems to be a lot of door slamming going on! But, hey ho, hope they enjoy their stay and get down to the coast.. get some cooler weather down there.. 

I caught a cold, last Saturday it started and the only thing left now is what's in my lungs.. it's lots better.. On Tuesday I got a bottle of cough syrup called Bronchostop! It's herbal and has been amazing, I really felt a difference by the time I got home from work, took three lots during the day..

The shop is now brimming over with tourists, some buy, some are just supermarket tourists!

Last Sunday I went out pillion, on a ride.. My bliss.. #makingmemories 

New section called

Out of the mouths of customers:

Woman talking about her husband not asking for receipts she said "He's still in training!"


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