Thursday, August 17, 2023

You know my glasses are the click-on type, so funny the other morning, I wasn't actually feeling that great, but I went to click the sunglasses part on and nothing!! Reason being I have no magnets on my face! My glasses were on the table!! Then yesterday a friend trying to take off her click-on part.. but then she realized she had her normal sunglasses on!! 

I actually.. nothing to do with the sunglasses, but didn't feel right that morning,Tuesday, so I went into urgencia, I woke up feeling dizzy, luckily was seen by a triage nurse almost immediately, no one ahead of me, then into the doctor in the adjacent room.. he tested me for a couple of things.. stroke, and MS.. then decided I had vertigo... I am pretty sure I don't, actually..

I am taking the meds, but I think it's leaning back in the hairdressers chair to have my hair washed, it's agony, and quite often I feel disoriented or headachy after that.. 

Doubled the times I've been to one this year practically! Well almost! Six or seven times my whole lifetime, and three or four times this year!! 

Color only, don't come near me with those scissors or hair dryer!!

The awful info on the meds doesn't look like something I should even be taking! Still just five days!! And already tomorrow is my last day.. I think? No, Saturday! 

Last evening it was cooler, and I didn't even need the fan on in the living room, and at night I didn't need the fan on all night.. I had an hour or more awake.. but not heat related.. just awake, and seems like a lot of people are saying the exact same thing! 

I've just checked, yesterday was a new moon! Must be something in that, I know how the moon controls so much of our lives... But must have been a huge shift last night.. when I pulled up outside work this morning same place same time.. the sun wasn't anywhere near showing through where it normally is at that time! 

I also noticed yesterday that the cars were making the screeching sound they normally make when it's a change of season although we're very very early to be changing seasons there's obviously a subtle difference or we wouldn't be having these noises on the road as everyone turns their wheels..

Did I mention I'm watching Good Omens? I know I have the book, books? Probably on Kindle somewhere, because a friend bought them for me years ago and I never got around to reading it.. them! 

I am cat feeding at the weekend, just one trip to feed somebody's mommy cat and her kittens, petrol paid and as many figs as I can pick!! Sounds like a good deal to me!

Work has been good,.although we will already be pleased once the tourists go home and leave us all in peace! 

Sorry tourist's!! Need you really! 

Just re reading this, think this dizziness or the meds have left me a bit dyslexic! 

How I used to be after a migraine.. arh .. the good old days eh! Thankfully not missing twice monthly days of hell! 

The photos are from ten years ago.. and I'm sure posted back then also.. Been blogging over twenty years now.. WOW! 

How many volumes would that be.. 


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