Monday, April 19, 2010

I have to pass this on... its unbelievable, i am quoting from Euro Weekly this weeks, well lasts by the time you read this i expect, the Head line Hens used as footballs Seven people have been arrested in Pedrajas de San Estaban in Valladolid.. the owner of the hens, reported this, although it said 7 people later on in the article is says two of the detainees are aged 27 and 18, the other four are 17, so the other?? anyway not important i guess... they broke into the farm, damaged the pens and feeding system and used the hens as if they were balls, killing 100 of them. they have been charged with criminal damage and animal abuse. damage estimated at more than 2,000 euros, although the farmer fears greater losses due to the stress that the remaining birds have endured! No kidding.... i would say i dont believe it, but i do...

saturday - went to the house today, still bad, no better at all, but then its been raining again, all last night it poured down, thunder and lightening.. sea roaring... no sleep... and until about... 2pm maybe the morning was just the same! lots of low cloud cover going up past Mijas pueblo, picked up post, letter from Telefonica advising us of the refund!!! but no letter asking for the money that they haven't been able to take out of the old bank account yet! next thing will be cut off again, but cant pay the bill till we have it!!! on the plus side our electric bill for the month was just over 6euros!?! so goodness knows what it will be next month...

Dr Who, next doctor is ok, cant seem to get into it yet, he's just not Danvid Tennant, although its not just, it doesn't seem to have the *umph* that the last couple of series has....

found an article about something called Q10 Bio-Quinone, going to check it out when i get on line, it says it helps with high blood pressure, energy levels, a healthy heart, my BP is still high, seems eating a banana or two a days isn't helping me much!

ok, 9pm the sky a nice powder blue and the new series of Britain's got talent due to start shortly so i'm off!

monday now, sports bar again... what a lush... usually make one coffee last a couple of hours though, he isn't getting rich on me, but at least it looks like someone is using his bar!

checked out the above item, the bio-quinone that Dr Chris suggests, will read it in full when i get home, but looks interesting....

Franco called too, about something he had heard on the radio this morning, a well woman check place, i really should do it, considering the amount of time since my last check, and my previous history, and of course, more importantly my Mom...

... my dreams are continually going through *stuff* sorting and clearing, what am i supposed to be sorting and clearing for goodness sake?

rained on and off again all day yesterday, but today, at the moment the sky is china blue, the sun is warm and hopefully the millions of snails that have been out and about the last week are hiding away under a cool rock now, so many you couldn't walk... well you could but... ugh!!!

and Pippa always want to eat them, which isn't ok, even when us humans eat them we have to wait a few days to allow the poisons out before we do so! and dogs can get lung worm from them! would we do you think? is it the same poison i wonder....

ah... thats nice english, couple just passed me by and said *hola* to me... a er *local* woman earlier glared at me!

be right back....just wanted to check the weather says rain for tomorrow and wednesday... i bet the poor tourists stranded here are fed up... don't come in April... its the rainy month! just because its rained since december doesnt mean mother nature will give us a break now!!!

i am so glad i don't have to be somewhere with this embargo going on, the poor people who have family they need to see, for bad health reasons, or worse.... or like a guy we spoke to the other day, his daughter is abroad, further afield and he needed to get to England, then on to somewhere else... i wonder if she got married without her Dad there....

also have an interesting email from FedEx, it says * This message is from FedEx Customers Online Alert Team Management .You are to Contact: Mr Charles Bankole ( Senior Clearance Officer )for your Package delivery*

i bet money would be needed to collect said package, another rip off scam.... well i reported it as scam... or is it real??? arh... doubt it eh! not with a name like that Bankole!! really!!

ok, i think for now thats it, always think of more to say when i get back home, have even gone to go on line when i am there, especially if i am playing solitaire or writing my Blog before hand... but then mind still weird.. or weirder? if this even is my mind, i think i have lost mine...
erm ok yes definitely time to go before someone sends out those guys in the white coats...

TTFN amigos...
erm hang on want a photo.... ah ha... and now i have added photo from the interior of the Paris Opera house, i remember wanted to say i watched the Phantom of the Opera by Joel Schumacher... was lovely... Franco didn't think much of it... so played his game for a while then listened to music, then had a nap!

but i loved it, remembering every moment of when Mom and i saw it at Her Majesties theatre up in London a year ago....

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