Wednesday, April 21, 2010

looks like rain again today... forecast for rain yesterday didn't happen and was a wonderful hot day, Pippa reclining outside in sun... on the way here a few spits and spots, also on the way here stopped in a shop to buy Barrys birthday card, didn't know weather to buy him a Son card or a 30th Birthday card! the first is the usual one i would do, but being 30! is a BIG one! i cannot believe he is going to be 30! its impossible that little blond smiley baby boy... heck is all i can think! where have all those years gone? although i do wish i could post myself off in the envelope to be with him on May 6th...

with the forecast i put off going to fuengirola to meet up with mate, but looks like its going to rain all week, maybe, and seeing her friday... when no doubt it will pour forsure!

you know i can now use these reading glasses to see things written over there on the bar door! about 12 feet away! i have to lift them slightly to use the reading part, but i can do it!

Tonys girlfriend Kate is running in London Marathon on Sunday... so i will be glued to tv to search for her out of over 36 thousand other people! what chance?

i am struggling today, i have a blank mind, or rather too much going on in my mind and dont even know where to start with it, so maybe i better just clear off...

maybe a little quote for Kate today...

is not about how fast you run or even with with what degree of grace.
its, about perseverance, about staying on your feet and slogging forward no matter what


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