Monday, April 26, 2010

ok, confusing here but its actually Monday morning now, and what follows i wrote over the last few days, trying to up load a photo... but google on the go slow, for me today anyway, which is also how i feel...

the strange photo, if it ever gets on here is of a mat i made last week, i bought a flat sheet from a thrift shop for a euro and knitted it into a rug! or maybe a *?* would be better, anyway kept me busy for a couple of days earlier on last week.... arh, there it is, its a lot smaller than you would think of a double sheet! and real heavy?

anyway more importantly HUGE congrats to Kate who completed the London Marathon yesterday! well done girl!

so beneath to whats past.....


was thinking this morning, when i awoke from a weird dream how Mom used to always ask what her dreams had meant, or she would phone at any time, to get an answer to a crossword question she couldn't get, and how over the last, well i would say few years, but i think it was a good ten or even fifteen years how we had swapped roles in some ways, a role reversal that always happens, things Mom was wary of doing herself i would phone for her, or write, contact in some way or other. or if i couldn't do it, i would have to nag her for ages to get her to do whatever it was she was worried about doing and i, from here in spain, could not!

the last time Mom flew back to england from spain she didn't want to fly on her own and i flew back with her, then got the next flight home the following morning! we joked that one day i wouldn't want to fly on my own either then, one of the boys would have to be flying back with me after flying back with her!...

... so i am writing from the apartment, don't think i will be making it to el zoco today, was in bad pain yesterday evening, not sure if its tooth ache or jaw ache, as i have the most awful earache too, i think its the latter. thing is i have been to the dentist before when i have had a flare up and then not having had treatment yet, a week later, and all the pain is gone... but then that was when i had been at least seeing a dentist every six months!

i got home just in time yesterday, a drop of rain, and later thunder lightening and more rain, just now the sky is getting black... so more rain????

Pippa and i met the boxer dog again today, third time, and now pip just barks as soon as she sees it! so embarrassing!

cant remember when i last blogged... not on line will check when i am, i guess...

today is saturday, been having the worst toothache, and wednesday night took two strong tablets, for toothache, so strong i woke up with a bad headache, had my breakfast and went back to bed, headache had turned into a migraine... was so bad, like the old ones, sick and everything, only with my heart beating too fast the whole time too, i knew Pip hadn't been out, obviously without me! so at 5:30pm i got up, dressed, and took her out, i don't know how i made the short trip round the block, she made use of the run though, poor little mite, hadn't been to the loo since about 10pm the night before! i felt so much worse when i got back i did my BP which didn't make me feel any better at 157/119! it was in the red, and so was i! and back to bed again, where i stayed till i got up this morning, Franco did take Pippa out again last night, and this morning i took her out, felt my usual day-after-migraine self, which is slightly weird and wobbly and somewhere else! felt pretty awful when i got back and took BP again (heck had to retype that 3 times, and then retype retypre 3 more times)!!! anyway this morning it was 161/103, not in the red, just the orange, which is just as bad...

toothache? yes still there of course, till its fixed, sometime no time soon! that's of course if i can work out if its my FM or my teeth, i know they need a filling or two, so either way they need fixing... and if remember a quote for a dentists here was over 1,500€ then a week later the pain had gone, my FM afterall....

this morning we left Pippa home alone and went into Fuengirola, for the Q10 for me to start trying, bit more expensive than Britain, i think it was under a tenner for 30mgs, this was 25€ (how come i haven't noticed the *€* here before?) strange day... anyway this bottle will last for 5 months! and we got some B vitamins to start taking too, from a regular chemist, cheaper than elsewhere at about 11€ for a months worth!

we also needed a new mirror for the car, it got *taken* from out car while i was away, just the mirror prised out i guess, no glass anywhere... we had to buy a new one with our ITV (MOT) this coming week, like that will get it through! the mirror was 11€, he didn't have one! but the complete door mirror housing with mirror was only another 50cents anyway!!!! so with IVA (VAT) only 13€!

i also popped into a card shop to buy Franco's anniversary card, for tomorrow, wouldn't have left it so late if i had been well, so come out of shop... and no Franco! waited there for a while, went past shop and called into the man who had served me and said "i might be bringing this card back in a minute, my husbands gone missing!!" but then i saw him! standing by the car! when i said see you by the card shop, he thought i said by the car park!

sunday now, still trying to type without typos! today no anniversary card from Mom, of course... this is the first one of all the others i shall miss from her birthday will be the hardest, as was Mothers Day for me, its Mothers Day here is Spain next sunday! cant win!

yesterday i was walking Pippa along by the side of El Capricho bar, down here on the beach, a man with two boys on the pathway they were talking to a man sat at a table, who said move out of the way to them, that dog will bite!!!!! oh things i wanted to say, luckily i did the biting, of my tongue what an ignorant man, my first thoughts of a come back to him were all the wrong ones i know, but i thought later i should have said "if she senses how afraid of her you are, she might get nervous and be more likely to bite you! but i more likely to bite!!" my little Pippa, knee high for goodness sake! how much of a coward was this man? and spreading the fear onto the two boys, i was so angry... and they are raising the fine now to 500€ for having dog of over 20kilos outside without a muzzle on, or if its of a dangerous bread.

anyway... this morning we went up to our house, green green green! that's the color of everything in it, the black sofa was all green! we dusted down the wooden surfaces again, as last weekend, emptied the mail box, for a change a bill in the box was for the old number 23! you would think they know, it was from the council who were the ones to change our house numbers last year!

we were out just after 8am, wanted to get back for the London Marathon, never watched it on tv before, but Tonys girlfriend Kate was, is, running in it, watched from start to finish on tv, then when the broadcast finished we switched to the extras bit on the same channel and picked the option for viewing the people coming through at the finish, there were four screens, three gates, so that was fun, and i stood in front of the tv for nearly an hour... till i couldn't stand anymore, and Francos football came on! i was tired out just watching, and that was before my standing stint! so now have to wait to hear from Tony how Kate has done, and her time...

i took Pip for a quick walk out earlier, a girl, well woman, was mixing sun bathing with fishing! she had three rods buried in the sand, a parasol for her two little'uns, and she was, well *out* in the sun shall we say!


ok caught up now, still feeling bad, and forgot to fuel up little this baby so am running out of time too... Tonys not at work, so cant catch up with him, Barry at work, but can't speak to him....

sorry if all of above sounds weird....

adio amigos...


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