Tuesday, March 07, 2017

The tired road...

We're all alone aren't we really? We can be in a room a place with friends family strangers, we're still alone when it's boils down to it. But feeling lonely is so much worse...

Lonely is something different.
Feeling closed off for some reason, about something maybe... in our heads and minds can be a lonely place, even in that crowded room.

I've never minded going somewhere on my own, travel, cars planes trains... I have talked countless times to people about the difference, "as long as you don't feel lonely here by yourself, that's what's important..." "If you feel alone, but happy with yourself, that's okay, that's liveable" "But if your lonely.... that's different...."

Franco and I can talk for hours, day and night, night and day... always have, when we're parted by miles we still talk and laugh and talk some more, text, messenger, webcam, always communicating...

At night, these past few nights apart I want to message Franco, and answer his the same  "goodnight, sleep tight!... Speak in the morning... I love you"... 

I noticed on my phone yesterday here in the car park, a link we have which shows us where each other are, it said Franco was in our house 7 hours ago... must have come from his phone I've been carrying around with me until the battery went flat.

.... tick tock

Still in our car reading... and time to time watching traffic and people pass by, lots of car horns caught my attention and I looked out onto a bit of wasteland people use for hospital overspill parking... And I thought I better get back to our car over in the main car park... Which is weird, as I am actually sitting in our car, just not where I was for so long yesterday...

We got a room last evening!!
There I was in with Franco, and that had been a hold up, 8:20pm before we got to see each other, Franco had his dinner... And along came to lady we saw last November and off we went!! 

Fantastic, so good for us to be together at last... Good nights sleep, comfy chair... Hell, it could be a block of cement, I wouldn't care!

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