Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Made two batches of plum jam already since my return to this placement... And as they say, all the best things in life are messy!

Picked them yesterday and made this morning!

No photographs on my kindle from whence I write, so will sort out later, maybe.

Oh technology! Why do I forget the cleverness of it!!

It's good to be back to work; but I never get used to not having my things with me, and feeling alienated from everyone, cut off... Always feels like a different time zone or somewhere between the cracks of real life somehow...

Today when I wanted to just be, and remember the awful events of 9/11, being in Crete at the time with Sarah, and our embargoed flight... Unable to reach my mom, my family back home in the states... The unreal feeling of it all from being so far away.  We were eating  in a restaurant and I went up to the bar to ask the guy what was happening, it looked like a disaster movie from where we were sitting, I remember it so clearly.

Instead I was driving to a hospital appointment!

In the rain! Making use of my new coat!

Lol! I knew I should have kept my old trench coat from twenty years ago!!

So! I was going to repeat a story I've told before about when we had the three minutes silence the week after 9/11, how I was on the phone to my mom outside the dealership, at Mercedes, and when I turned round to go back to my desk, all my colleagues were standing behind me in the showroom, showing their support...

Plums still on the tree, now some of which is jars... And my stash of chocolate! Under guard!

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