Wednesday, September 12, 2018

"Step out of the pressure cooker and let things take their natural course instead of trying to force something or predict the unpredictable." Quote from 'Summer at the comfort food cafe.'

This can most certainly be me, this is me? I do rush headlong into life... But I have seen how life can be taken so suddenly I guess.

We only have today.

For all the support and caring I give at work, I struggle... I am not including the huge and amazing love of friends and family! So please do not shout at me, I mean I guess I feel I am doing all this... for nothing.

And now having re-homed Pippa the guilt is ripping out my soul, I actually cannot bear to think of her, I have to block her out, or like now, give in and let it out... Thank goodness you can't see me.

I went home before my flight, did I say? It felt like walking into a strangers house, I felt nothing, not even like it's where my heart is.

Lol I'll be okay, I have a temperature, and my always over thinking brain is making the usual mountain's out of a molehills!

Going to the docs later, more antibiotics, which is probably the actual cause of the problem!

And a  damn book, I'm highlighting on nearly every page! I should be reading murder and horror not a stupid  story about a young widow!!! Fffff!!!

This, or me!  Should come with a government health warning!

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