Thursday, October 12, 2023

21st night of September .. It was so funny on the 20th I noticed I had a reminder for the 21st, clicked on it and read the reminder.. it read 'September 21st' repeat every year..

And I thought what am I supposed to remember?? Ha! The 21st night of September.. 

Of course! But it took until the 23rd and talking at work to a colleague and I asked him, why did I do that!! And then bam!! Of course!! 

With youngest son and his family this week, I arrived Thursday evening of last week.. had five days of sun and warm weather, then yesterday was a bit cloudy and this morning rain.. so been really lucky... I did bring a rain mac but not worn it yet, and just wearing jeans t-shirts.. 

Sunday we went to Ashridge Forest, we had a great walk, and then cups of tea we drank on tree trunks... 

I have been going up there since I was about 8, I am guessing, when my mom met my stepdad, I even learned the basics of driving his old Morris van on the concrete parking area.. 

But soooooo many cars!! I was shocked!! Never seen it like that before, and we got there about ten! It was crazy busy!! Takes away some of the pleasure seeing it like that, although after walking away from the main drag the people all spread out, it was as good as always... 

After our teas I waited down on the ground when the family went up the monument.. 

We went to a local park yesterday, had a great time on all the rides! I love the swings! Always love the swings!! 

Just a big kid still... Or still just a girl who likes to ride the swing high.. feeling the breeze and the rush... 

The other day we walked along to Morrisons and bought pumpkins, great value .99p each!

And once home us girls carved our pumpkins! I hadn't done that since ... I cannot remember when in all honesty.

Today we went to Ikea in Milton Keynes, always love Ikea!! As soon as we got there we had lunch, meatballs of course, fries, red berry sauce and gravy! Yum! 

With my meal I had a bottle of Vintersaga! A Swedish Festive drink! 

Bought a few bits n bobs, obviously I couldn't buy anything to take home, although I did buy a great big star! 

I noticed on the way to MK the old pub the White Hart in Hockliffe is now a Harvester, I last went a couple of weeks before I moved to Spain.. 

And the Little chef has gone at the A5 junction/Heath and Reach.. although I think I knew that already...

As we were driving in Milton Keynes, passing familiar places, I said about the Christmas and the Christmas display there in front of John Lewis's..

Then I said about the snow dome mom and I went in and the Cinderella coach ride.. her and I sat in... 

Then I was tears... I miss my mom every day, but haven't cried the loss in a while.. quite a while, don't know where that emotion sprung from.. 

She's missing so much.. 

That's something to remember isn't it... When we're gone, that's it, we don't get to the things we could have, should have, would have.


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