Monday, November 06, 2023

Photograph above taken as I was heading off to work one morning late week, the sun just kissing the summit of the Sierra de Las Nieves...

How strange only just now, because of a friend's post, did I even remember it's Guy Fawkes night..

So I guess it's true... We can indeed forget stuff, after a period of time, when it's not something we need to remember any more ... 

Been over twenty years since I went to a fireworks display back in Blighty... 

Up our end of town yesterday morning, sat in the chilly street! A beautiful male podenco suddenly appeared from the street opposite, he crossed over, I put out my hand and he came over, sniffed me and walked back up and out of sight from the direction he had come from!! 

Saturday afternoon went to a bar in Malaga area, live music and outside, was nice sat out in the sun for while.. just relaxing and enjoying our beautiful autumn weather ..

Should be lots to write! Probably about banking systems and road drivers! 

About work? Halloween! Had an absolutely wonderful day at work, we were dressed up! Of course, I wore a dress I've owned for about .. I don't know, well over ten years .. it's black/dark gray, it's a little bit gothic a little bit steam punk.. with an axe through my head! And blood down my neck either side! Dark eyes and my bike boots!!

My colleague was the bride of Dracula! I painted blood from her eyes and dark around her eyes.. white dress with a white veil... So cool! 

All the customers were impressed all of them laughed, after the initial surprize factor! 

Spent the weekend before with my sister in-law down at Torreblanca end of Fuengirola.. great weekend, after work on Friday straight to her, then Saturday drove us down to Calahonda after coffee with a friend of hers nearby.

At Calahonda we had coffee and some breakfast, next to work, then we went to see her old place near the boardwalk and walked along to Luna beach where we had a cold drink..  we then crossed over and went up towards Lidl and back along the main road to the car! 

From there up to Mijas Pueblo via my road, had a really time up at the pueblo ..

But, leaving the carpark road a was forced to stop suddenly and stalled the restarted on three, so no problem...but my power steering had gone!?!

It seemed to correct itself on the road out of the village and we made it back to her apartment okay ...

Sunday morning I called the grĂșa.. fantastic I hadn't called them for many many years... My car insurance people, in fact twice in over twenty years!! This being the second time, I was sent a link and could view the breakdown guy approach! Amazing!! 

So easily pleased! 

Anyways, I felt a bit daft as the power steering was okay??? He said if it goes again to turn off the engine and restart!

Who knows! 

I do feel a bit weary now, worried about my car failing me.. not sure what to do, but will carry on doing same as always! Carrying on! 


Live out of your imagination, not your history.

Stephen Covey - 1932-2012-

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