Monday I had an appointment at the optician, I wanted to check out that weird ocular migraine I had before I left Spain...
Had enquired a few days ago, and just wanted advice, but they suggested an eye health check, so there I went yesterday morning!
All good, thankfully, but told if I get more and more frequent to go to the doctor..
After the opticians I was back on the tram and off to a Highfields Park, just for a nice walk around in nature, as we're so many other people.
I had a doctor's appointment later so didn't want to be out too late, or too far away.
So, doctors! I have a few issues with my spine, and one of them is causing nerve pain, I have been coping with it, but especially after that awful sciatica last year, probability associated with same issue, I can't sleep because of the severe pain, okay, well okay maybe not, but during the day it's not so bad as at night some reason.
Found this just now, so makes sense..
'Pinched nerves-
Lying down can pinch nerves that are already compromised by health conditions'
He prescribed something for the nerve pain, I took it at bedtime and fell asleep normally, and although I woke up as usual all through the night, I wasn't woken up by the pain until about 4:30am, so that's a bonus! I guess?
I felt awake and bouncy when I got up at 7:15! Now not so much, really, really tired.. I am thinking it will level out...
Last the pain didn't wake me until 2:45 this morning, feel so blah on these meds, mouth and head... Blah.
In the strange, perhaps strange way that I think, I think that not feeling the pain that the signals are telling my brain, means instead of waking up and turning to release the trapped nerves is worse.. because today I am in much worse pain doing everything else! Because laying down is keeping things trapped!
Do you see what I mean? Pain has a reason, it is telling us to do something.. So, for wrong or right, I'll take it one more time tonight, but if I'm still in pain during the night, and worse during the day, there is no point feeling drugged out all day added into the bargain for no benefits!
Also, a couple of other issues I left españa with... he will also get investigated now, so I was back to doctors this morning, bloods at the blood clinic in town tomorrow, and some scans later in the month! Whoop whoop!
Yesterday I got a hot water bottle!! Bright pink furry cover with a place for hands!! Who knew??
"Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.”
Dalai Lama