Monday, June 26, 2006


oh tired tired tired! bed late friday from walk in the sea on the coast at midnight! up early saturday with gun fire... bands all day passing in the street, lovely to see and hear, they carried on round the streets and the final with jesus carried by 100 men as before at easter, passing our house around 2am, fantastic to see and really feel apart of the whole thing... then sunday morning it all began again... and so we didnt get to bed till about 2am again this morning and up as usual by 7am! feel like i havent slept in weeks, making more typos and going backwards rather than forwards to day with this!

work this morning too of course, only two of us! so called in el jefe, she arrived around 11, so for first hour we were closed and made the most of the time to tidy the shop up and get it to how i like it! looking good... and everything like an army all facing front, with hangers all straight! i multi tasked today, keeping shop tidy, on the till, pricing garments - didnt brake the gun! settled the till and did the banking! oh and even sorted some of the things out that had been brought in over the weekend, well brought it in as much as someone had forced it through the grill at the front of the shop! nice! lots more came in as usual as the day progressed....

i got home and called friend from shop to tell her the days news, 10 minutes, then call from a buddy back in england, 40 minutes, my mom then called 15 minutes.... phew ear burn out...

now thats it, washing must be dry by now, so will bring it in as i´m sure it resembles emery board by now and those towels will be just soooooooo lovely and rough! exfoliate tonight i think!!

oh, i did a little movie last night as they carried the beautifully lit cross with jesus and all the many lamps everything gold, but it didnt really come out very well, a 'you had to of been there moment' ...

A kiss rejuvenates the heart and cancels out age...


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