hello...... so the above isnt actually one of the shops i work in... but when i saw this photo i liked the look of it anyway! i will have to take a photo of one of the ones i am in, or maybe all of them...
so last week? what happened? i dont know! was going into work at cudeca monday morning and got a call saying i may be working wednesday instead of the thursday i had been told about sunday evening on the phone, then, during work it was up dated to working the next day! so monday was crazy after that, emails to open... hotmail was so slow i had to open and move to my gmail account so i could open attachments and then put to disk, printer out of ink and i needed to have copies of things for monday... internet place was busy, went back hour later and their printer wasnt working... so franco home and it was down to another internet place to print/copy/fax info, then to torremolinos to see where i had to go next day! i know i know... but although its not far i actually hadnt ever spent any time there! couple of visits to the tax office and to a hotel where barrys girlfriend was staying, but that was it, never gone into the town or to the coast there, ever.... so anyway found where i had to go in the morning and home! on the way we stopped at a kiosk on the street here in alhaurÃn and our car was reversed into! opposite of the day before when we were hit from behind! this time no damage though!
dinner about 10pm and bed! up early tuesday and all week, about 645, walking pippa, but a shorter run, more because i just cant walk that far then go to work after, poor dog, but its not for always... then each morning i have driven between 27 and 35 kilometers to work in torremolinos, four estancos so far, the first in town centre, second on the paseo maritimo malaga end, third up a side street from paseo, and fourth near the paseo, benalmadena end of town! tomorrow is in benalmadena itself. each day i have had to meet my supervisor so she can show me where each shop is, following her without her indercating has been fun... suddenly turning or going around roundabouts not knowing which exist she will take! LOL!
i had a meeting with someone from the tabacco company at last on the thursday morning, so she could tell me what i should have doing for the first two days! and to carry on doing... she also joined me in a shop on the friday morning and we went to lunch (oooh'err) before she left to go back to benidorm where she is based during this promotion...
tuesday before starting i had to go, with my supervisor to get my social security number... that was fun, and not easy! infact wouldnt have been able to have done it all all without her with me!
everyday i have gone into the shops, set up my stand thing, tall and narrow picture of lambert and butler and golden virginia packets! and ask people if they are buying cigs or tabacco, for them or others, which brands etc, and if i change theyre brand or if they buy more than they would have they get a gift... cool bag, beach mat, bag or t-shirt!
all the estancos have been good to work in, all very different, selling gifts etc, so its been interesting... first two days were the worst healthwise for me, felt so tired and achy, real bad, then thursday meeting meant i didnt start till 5pm so was only 3 hrs on my feet that day and fridays store was so good i didnt really notice standing as much! have only one weird thing i guess from my back and the pressure on it somewhere, and thats that my left arm is a bit numb from the elbow down and pins and needles in my left hand! but thats not too bad i suppose, can cope with that for this amount of time.
i have about 40/50 minutes driving to work and an hour home each day, traffic is worse coming home, so i am away 12 and half hours more or less, long long long day! 10-2pm and then 5-8pm, lunch time i have to find somewhere out of the sun to sit and have my lunch... and i just read...
lots more i could probably tell you, but i am seriously tired today still and only a few hours before it all starts again! yesterday i saw friend in shop, friend for coffee, friends in their house in town and friends near our house, all on my trip back from town! then home.... gone 3pm i think!
spent couple of hours cleaning and washing the floors dusting etc, my wonderful wonderful husband looked after me all week, i came home and he had dinner ready for me every night, we ate then franco washed up and put everything away... i couldnt have cooked at all, then he made my fruit drink for me for the following day... now pippa on the other hand acted all week like the spoilt child! left all day by both her children (how she sees us!) she taught us both a lesson every evening, by barking and biting and scratching and annoying us fully till time for bed!
now, i shall leave you...but not forget you... if i have a moment of energy left any night this week i will say 'hello'...
Hi worker! That all sounds so busy and hectic all at once! You must be overwhelmed..well, you say it clearly enough in you're post!
I go back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks vacation, (but I practically worked the whole time, so they'll have to give me a few days vacation later on). But I'm not looking forward to going back to the office at all...
Hi Marian Glad you are enjoying your new job hope you don't get to tired.Unfortunately we did not go to Calahonda to our appt as my husband developed jaundice and he had to see a specialist at the hospital and they will not allow him to fly until they find out the cause.He has to have a camera put inside him on wednesday to see what the problem is.We are keeping our fingers crossed .So instead of beautiful sunshine we have rain.Enjoy the rest of your week but don't work to hard and be ill. Chrissie
Here I am...the mother hen...I worry about everyone burning out. Family, friends, neighbors, YOU! Just take care and we will be waiting for the day that you DO feel like you have time to blog a little. Take care of yourself first! Hope you're enjoying work!
FMN... hope your week back has gone better than you thought, its friday already tomorrow... and thank goodness for that i say! can hardly lift fingers to type... monday is the most definately worse day, the longest and most painfull, tuesday fairs better and by wednesday, like last week, my body starts to get used to it a bit, although my pins and needles are in my left leg and foot now too, was a little difficult feeling the foot pedal! lol...
suppose i should be blogging this, but cant now i have started!
Chrissie... sorry to hear about your husband... how did the tests go on wednesday i hope its nothing serious, will be hoping you can get out here soon and he can get better in the sunshine, works wonders dosent it...
i only get in the heat now in the afternoons, so go from air conditioning freezing cold into it! then have to find somewhere to sit and hide from it!
the work is so much harder than i ever imagined, but have to keep going now...
Honora... yes towards the end its good tired... the bigining is blooming exhausted cant even make my mind work tired, have two options for saturday evening, but know already i cant make either, this tired is... i think its called... oh i cant remember, it all adds up type of tired, one day onto another even the weekend wasnt enough to make up for the week before, i expect when this promotions done i can recoup my strength...
DD... still no blog today, but at least i can answer you all.. its nearly 10 now and been home nearly an hour, franco made dinner and washed up, and now i am going to relax for an hour and then up those stairs to bed... to sleep... per chance to dream... sorry! bit of poetry there, i know i will dream, all night, with none of that fixing sleep at all!
and yes i am enjoying the job... when there are lots of people and i dont have time to dwell on the pain part, ok, got to go typos all over the place...
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