well asked about in town this morning... seems the ´story´about the little girl being taken in the supermarket has also been mentioned as another store in a nearby town, so i think this is a 21 century urban legend in the making, and little old me got all caught up it!
old being the word i suppose too, another year older today, another year wiser... (ahem) well always possible!
and i dont feel any older, i never do... when i am in my nineties, god willing, i will say "hey... what happened, howd i get here"
its another beautiful day here in paradise, i have a new camera for my birthday from my honey, so watch out, i will be snapping away madly, trouble is this one has more gismos and buttons and stuff, so have to read the 100 page instruction manual first, yes on the web, the one with it was in spanish, of course!
i was going to include a photo just now, but went up onto the terrace and the whole valley looks bleached in the white heat... so later amigos...
i have been a lucky girl and received lots of lovely cards, and some equally lovely e cards, thank you my family and friends...uncle richard in new york, his ecard made me cry and suddenly all my family in america seem a million miles away, and my brother in california on another planet! my boys cards? they are in the post! mmmmmmh! but i got their text messages early this morning...
my mom phoned about 730 so she was up early 630 in england to call! shes not usually an early riser these days.
what will paulo coelho's message be today i wonder... let me get my book...
The challenge will not wait Life does not look back. A week is more than enough for us to decide wheather or not to accept our destiny...
Ha, what a funny thing...I read this yesterday and presumed the black and white photo above, was a feature of your new camera! Now I took a closer look...
Hey, have you been following Paulo's blog? I just received warrior of the light, and for once, read it, lol (I usually set it aside for reading "later" and never get around to it). I didn't realize he continued blogging! I think I'll be popping in at his place from time to time!
yes... sorry paulo, i do that to! my warrior of the light comes in, sometimes i look the same day, other times i check back and there are a couple left un read!
i´ll see you there amiga!
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