what a lovely looking church here in Orce...
this is the castle in Orce... a very beautiful town
another view of the church, this one looking a bit like a town in england... somewhere?
this day it was freezing outside, and we went into a quiet modern looking bar and they let pippa come in too! so we could defrost!
i suppose as suggested by friends we could have thawed out in the spa baths this day!
Hola amiga, que tal? It's been a while, I know, but I just want to send you a belated Christmas, New Year's, Befana message of peace and love! Hugs to you and Franco!
hola to you to amiga, i thought of you over christmas state side! hope you had a wonderful time with your family and back on home soil... spoke to my brother over christmas and miss him more and more... so many miles eh!
feliz aƱos nuevo too!
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