Sunday, August 03, 2014

It had to happen.... attack of the loom craze!  Okay I only got the cheapest set to try it out, and following the easiest tutorial on the net, found out immediately cheap is as cheap says!  But, I can see how the kids have got so addicted to it! And its so easy! The cheap loom bands as of poor quality, the hook is weak and I think about to break if used a third time!  But I will be doing some more forsure!

Got a picture of my favorite tree along the coast the other day, despite the cloudy moment, and the awful traffic jams! Tourists eh! You gotta love 'em... Well, actually yes you do! We thought there was a problem with road works or something, the day wasn't hugely bright and wonderful, but the quantity of caravans, mobile homes etc were outstanding!  The roads down on the peninsular are narrow, meant for fishermen and locals, the pretty houses coming up to roadside at risk of losing their front rooms!

I spent yesterday afternoon, evening and so far this morning clearing.... the cupboards, rooms, drawers, anything!  I go through these phases or cleansings... Then I can't believe where I find even more stuff!! Its as though every place I keep things are tardis like! Still more to throw out, pass on, whatever... I find it truly hard to do this, I am emotional attached to every single thing I have, they are all part of me, and it feels like throwing a part of me away with each thing that goes, there will be nothing left of me one day... just my skin and bones...

Feeling a bit sad, you noticed huh?  I put a picture of my mom on fb last evening, my cousin scanned it for me while I was working away, and I looked at it better yesterday, really looked at it for the first time... my mom, the faraway look in her gaze... so many wonderful people 'liked' the post...


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