Saturday, February 14, 2015

Aqua - Mystical Magic!

Veronica Roth's challenge in the name of Aqua!

nounplural aquae 
 [ak-wee, ah-kwee] (Show IPA), 

Chiefly Pharmacology.
  1. water.
  2. a liquid.
  3. a solution, especially in water.

So for me, for you, its photograph art!

Well, this was a toughie for me this week, started a new job on Sunday, a twenty nine hour a week rota should be the norm, but you know how it is, and this week, my first, was a forty hour week plus a sleep in! Panic started setting in yesterday, all I could think was Aqua... with no answer forthcoming, my 'Toast' was almost waiting for me to make it happen... but with new job, new location, new routines to learn, it was blankety blank!

So today, finished work at three and we went off to Porthcawl, a beautiful seaside town here on the south coast of Wales... I took a few photos... and earlier at work, seeing a strange item on the staff room dresser, which had to photographed by myself as I thought it looked strangely camel like!!!

Back we came, stomachs full of fish and chips bought at the fair ground!  And I started playing with a couple of different systems on my lap top and above is the result...

So what do we have!? A giant camel sea monster afloat off the Welsh coast! Sea monster... and plenty of the beautiful aqua off the Welsh coast...

Apologies! LOL But I couldn't just do nothing :-/



Tammie Lee said...

lovely aqua waters

i hope your new job starts feeling wonderful to you ~

CERULEAN said...

I like your seamonster. But maybe it's Poseidon? - eric

lissa said...

I think I see a mermaid somewhere in there, enjoying the sun.

visiting from Veronica's blog. hope you have a lovely day.

Veronica Roth said...

Oh my gosh sweetie, is that much work even legal? Hope it starts feeling good after a while. But I think you did amazingly well. Love the dreaded sea camel who lives off the Welsh coast. Next time I get Robbie to drive me to Wales I'm so looking for him. :D

nadine paduart said...

ha ha ha.. so this could be wales, he? i take it you work in a shelter of some kind, only, reading what you write, i have vague memories of doing a similar job in the eighties. when i was young. ;)))
nice meeting you.

Ultreya said...

Tammie Lee...
Thank you! And yes, job too, thrown in at the deep end as usual me thinks! L.O.L.

Mmmm could be, my husband thought it was an elephant on a Viking ship!?! LOL

Let me go look, I like the idea of a mermaid, and you too! :-)

Support workers 0- government funding 1, sadly cut backs make it nigh on impossible to have as many support workers as in the past... Next time your here, if we're here [not in Spain], its coffee kiddo!

Thank you for stopping by nice to meet you too :-) I'm a support worker, locally now, was live in, now that's hours plus! 24/7 two to three weeks at a time... missed home too much....

Carole Reid said...

Well, your photography is inspiring and send my imagination is the same direction as Eric's.
I hope your new job settles and you get more time to walk by the healing waters of the sea.
Nice to meet you, Marian.

annton said...

whatever animal this is, I definitely like to ride it. through the aqua waters and wild waves.

wishing you a smoothe week!

renilde said...

haha, applause!!!!
this really speaks to my imagination.

lots of luck with your new job.