this is me... well on my very first birthday, what a little california girl i look with my bright blond hair! strangely that went when mom took me to england to live two years later, i guess it would have turned dark anyway... or was it the lack of sunshine! and would you believe... yeah maybe you would, but i still have this dress, mom saved it and i have been carrying it around with me now for the past twenty years or so! i would say its the oldest item of clothing i have but its not, i have two tops of my moms from before that, and you know they still look new! how weird is that!
bunch of things i forgot to mention during my ketchup the other day!
sunday i fell down the stairs! the ones that go up to the roof terrace, i knew it would happen, pippa always is round my feet either running down beside me or trying to nip my toes or shoes or pants, and i went down four steps, landed with my elbows and tushy and backs of legs all in one go, luckily sharing the load i suppose! my hands were full so i couldnt put my hands down to catch me, although maybe i would have hurt them if i had, the bruises have been coming out all week on my legs and arms!
i heard a noise the other night and our spot light came on outside so someone must have got too near to our fense behind the house... so it works! franco and pippa went out to patrol! there were people in the car park and they got in their cars and left! it will be a year this sunday that we had the intruder, now every house in the street has those window alarms, thanks to our misfortune...
and we use a phone card here, it really makes a difference, telefonica is expensive as is spantel, they are supposed to charge per second, but are still billing per minute, so its very expensive, we got a card that gave us 800 minutes to phone anywhere... europe, the states... really good, we were using a number that still charged for connection so it was 6€ for the card and about 10€ from telefonica, which was fantastic compared with the 40 to 60€ bills a month from spantel, this card though we are using totally on the freephone number and seeing how long it lasts, dont really phone many people its for phoning my family in the states, and of course my mom daily.
well, my friend also uses this card and her phone bill came and it was double! over 80€ instead of 40! so she went to her phone supplier, conecta4, an aerial system for the campo or people who cannot get telefonica, and theyre line supplier had charged for the free phone calls! one of which was a 13 mintues call costing over 22€! so that has to be sorted out a 900 number here means its free, so she shouldnt be paying a penny, or should i say a centimos!
now your probably wondering where these white horses are in my title? just saw this morning a clarks shoes advert on tv, and they were playing a song i hadnt heard in years and years, when i was a child a tv program had this as its title song, its so beautiful.... here it is....
white horses
on white horses let me ride away
to my world of dreams so far away
let me run
to the sun
to a world my heart can understand
its warm and gentle wonder land
far away
stars away
where the clouds are made of candyfloss
as the day's born
when the stars are gone
we'll race to meet the dawn
so when i can only see the grey
of a sad and very lonely day
that's when i
softly sigh
on white horses snowy white horses
let me ride away...
FMN... that would be awful losing your blog! i have terrible trouble sometimes remembering my logins for things, so use firefox now and it automtically remembers all my stuff and i just get straight in! would be in trouble using another computer tho!
uuum... dancing around blogspot in disguise eh!...would be like an old venetian masquerade ball... we will know you amiga...
honora...oh thank you, and thank you... and about the job i hope so, its looking a bit like a con though now, not sure they want my bank numbers! well, without an interview even yet, seems a bit odd, so not giving the numbers they want and am having a word with my bank man tomorrow to see if this would be a normal request! thank you again for your lovely thoughts. take care.
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