our... our what? the structure that tells us we are nearly home up there on the hill on our way back from the coast, or mijas pueblo... standing there high on the hill opposite the bp garage and the moreno restaurant, that grey man made area you can see infront is where they are starting to build roads... a huge urbanization is going up all around this folly of ours, thousands of homes and a couple of golf courses, because of course, we need more! humph!

today we went down to miramar down on the edge of fuengirola, the big shopping centre, this above and below is an area up near the restaurants for the kids to chill out in, its sort of under cover from the sun, and there is a bar so we had a coffee, and franco had a smoke, and then back into the madness of the centre, so many people making the most of it being open during the school holidays, and of course full of holiday makers... we are kind of used to not having everything open here now, after england where the shops are open seven days a week and some big supermarkets open from 930am monday morning and not closing till saturday night! theyre open again on sunday but just from 10 till 4, i think thats the hours there!
we have so many open sundays during the year, just the legal allowance and then all of the sundays during the summer holidays, and just when we do get used to them being open! cerrado otra vez... and thats ok too...

as you can see camera working ok now in its smaller picture format, just got to get the video working better...
by the way finished the book i started only yesterday... was very good another couple of bits from it go like this...
...It is because the human spirit knows, deep down, that all lives intersect. that death doesnt just take someone, it misses someone else, and in the small distance between being taken and being missed, lives are changed...
...strangers, the blue man said, are just family you have yet to come to know...
1 comment:
Nice to see you're posting often Marian...Visited Flep but found no one home...yet. Looking forward to it.
What is the title of the book you read in one day?
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