Saturday, March 13, 2010

Shadow and sun; so too our lives are made. yet think how great the sun, how small the shade...

Moms service is on Wednesday, St Patricks Day... 11:45am...

i have chosen the music, checked with the boys, yes ok... although Tony said the track in the middle might break me... i am broken anyway....

i have done so much i am exhausted, and while my body has been busy keeping my mind busy too, a little, apart from coming across things like my mothers day cards to Mom... lots of strange things some that i have never seen before, and my step-Dads things i havent seen in a long time...

i seem to be keeping a somewhat huge amount of things that i have no idea where i can keep them...

Mothers Day tomorrow....


Carol said...

Hang on to whatever strikes a chord within you. There is no reason not to. My spirit is grieving with yours. You're closer to the Cross these days. I wish I could say it will be alright, but all I can say is hang in there.

Pia said...

Well said, Carol. Hugs, Marian.

Ultreya said...

Thank you both...