A quote for today... by Isaac Newton..
We build too many walls and not enough bridges
I know I normally put a quote at the end but this deserves top placement me thinks!
Weather is perfect here now... Sounds like déjá vu so maybe already said this... but I just don't care, it really actually is perfect... It feels like a breathe of fresh air, it feels like new beginnings and adventure and getting started.. it feels like onwards upwards and don't stop to think... just feel the moment, and breathe it in.
Which is very contradictory to how I feel coming up from the coast, especially in the evenings, feel detached from here, feel apart some how.
Anyways, mince pies and large Christmas selection of chocolates available here now in Spain, so Christmas has come early, still September after all! Just until tomorrow!
I'm enjoying working on a book for someone, and having small light-bulb moments, or epiphanies as I remember stuff I thought I'd forgotten..
Friends and neighbours all about me seem to be having lives of the unexpected just like me, so maybe that's just life and I thought it should all run smoothly and happily forever and ever... Amen!