Everything we're 'in' now, personal crises.. world crises..
This will be a part of our pasts.. shared, or alone, part of our histories ...
These are 'our' times, our best days.. best? Yes, these have to be our best days, we have to make them such. Because for us, our generation, these are the days most remembered. Yes we remember times from our teens, 20's 30's 40's.. but these times.. these are closer.. These are the days of our lives.. Now is when we have to live the most, live the hardest, live the very best we can.. because this is all we have.
When I look around here, twenty years this year.. it's such a big proportion of my life.. The changes in my life, the good, the bad, the grief.. also the love the laughter.. the light..
Time never stands still.. and if we're lucky we can catch the happiness and put a pin in it.. tag it, to remember and see it, feel it.. jump back to it.. as if it's happening again, just on a different layer somewhere. Close our eyes and really remember it.. feel the joy.. even though it can bring tears.. it brings us back to good moments.
And that's now too.. pin these moments, really anchor them into our minds.. because these are the ones we'll carry with us.. the most.
I feel as though I have been wasting time.. precious time, some people don't get this time..