Backpack loaded and off to beautiful Bewdley.
My train was already on the platform, I checked first, that it was my train, and double checked, 'Are you 100% certain?' I asked, he said yes, he's driving! The train was going to Cardiff, also sounded like not a bad idea to keep going, as I love Cardiff!
But Bewdley definitely calls louder for me..
After a few minutes on the train a girl came past and sat near me, we immediately became good friends! Jasmine! From here there and everywhere, same as me! She's spent six months in Asia, couple of years in Jersey prior to that, and named Liverpool and Nottingham as 'home.'
We didn't stop talking until the train pulled off and other people got in our way...
Leaving that train here in Birmingham New Street, we wished eachother good luck and hugged goodbye..
A new friend, off to Leamington Spa!
I'm still sat on this train now, but better than the platform!
Just a couple of stops and off at Droitwich Spa then Kiddy next!
Bare with... You won't know but holding this to post later..
On another platform, waiting for third train.. woman got off a train and is leaning on one of seats in this shelter..
She is sobbing her heart out, talking to herself, about her life ..
I am trying not to get involved, I always involve myself and I found unfortunately, it isn't always the right thing to do ..
I don't mean to sound hard or cruel, because that's not me, but I can be naïve and some of what she's saying doesn't sound right, true... And she's saying how much she has drunk..
So biting my tongue and hoping she finds help from someone who can really help her..
Because I already feel like crying with her now, and that's not a start in helping, it's a start down the way down to where she is... And she sounds like she's in a very dark place...
Just to add, she's got on the same train as me, shouting and swearing on the phone, and to anyone else within hearing distance.. I did the right thing.