Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sat here in departures.. 

I wrote two paragraphs of this on Facebook, but way too much information! For having a meltdown!

I got in a strop at baggage drop off first .. when a whole bunch of people thought they'd skip a line we'd all been waiting in for an hour (okay ten minutes!), still!! And yes, very embarrassing I said my thoughts out loud! 

Best bit was skipping through Fast Track! Oh yes!! The very best, although I did have to point out two empty bays for security to the family in front of me who were just standing and staring.. and then once those plastic trays are through I couldn't even get to mine as everyone emptying out theirs on the line...

I pointed out the bays for that very purpose!

I am so bad! 

This is what comes of flying twenty or more times a year for six years!

Patience? Who? No not me!

And that's better.. vented.. 

For your reading pleasure! 

Bet you're all glad you're not sat next to me, or my 'phone a friend.'


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