Sunday, August 25, 2024

More from Sheringham .. three faces Tony spotted on a wall in town!

It is a lovely seaside town, typically English, or is it quintessentially British? 

Many fish and chip shop bars, many candy stores, two knitting stores, arcades, small supermarket in town and Tesco is on the edge, but that's still in town!

Railway line runs directly into Sheringham.

Two mini golfs, so many walks and paths to follow, the maze of course!

Lots of ice-cream parlours, selling wonderfully different flavours.

The rhubarb and ginger sounded good, but they'd run out, so I had apple pie instead, very very yummy!

Lots of dog beaches which came in handy for us! Although we had our favorite, and stuck to it!

I am not used to the tides! And the tide times are all over the place!! 



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